The country now boasts 100 “women solar engineers” working for the benefit of at least 3,700 households. In November 2023, sixth cohort of women have completed her training at Barefoot College Madagascar Tsiafajavona.
The solar committee organizes the electrification of the village. The field partner provides support in the installation of the solar house and finances the solar home lighting systems jointly with the Ministry of Energy.
The solar house is a building built with the community and for the community. It includes at least three parts:
The solar house is equipped with a 300Wp solar system which allows the Solar Mamas to use electrical tools that require electricity (soldering iron). This also allows the use of various electrical devices in the common room (TV, video projector, etc.)
The National Barefoot College Madagascar Program aims, by 2030, to build a network of 744 “women solar engineers” from Barefoot College International, enabling 630,000 remote rural households to have sustainable access to solar electricity.
This program would increase the rate of access to electricity in rural areas by 12%. The NBCM contributes to the achievement of the following sustainable development objectives…
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