
In the context of the NBCM, a “Village” is defined as a “fokontany” or part of a “fokontany” made up of one or more hamlets. The following criteria are considered:

  • The electrification of the village is not yet planned at the level of the Rural Electrification Development Agency (REDA).
  • The village is located more than 5km from the capital of the commune. In this instance, it is unlikely that the village will be connected to a mini-grid in the foreseeable future.
  • The number of households in the village is approaching 100 to 200 households. This is the number of households targeted at the start. With the development of solar entrepreneurship, over time, the number of beneficiary households in the village may increase.
  • The village is isolated and difficult to access.
  • The majority of households do not have access to modern lighting and electricity.
  • Good social cohesion exists within the village, which is necessary for any community-based approach.

The NBCM field partner proposing the village is expected to remain in contact with the village for at least the next four years following the start of the approach.

Current villages

Since its inauguration in 2012 and until November 2023, the initiative has involved 30 villages in 12 regions, with the collaboration of five field partners:

  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
  • Madagascar National Parks (MNP)
  • Department for the Development of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar
  • World Conservation Society (WCS)
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

The country now boasts 100 “women solar engineers” working for the benefit of at least 3,700 households. In November 2023, sixth cohort of women have completer her training at Barefoot College Madagascar Tsiafajavona. 

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